Healing People
Many people have such deep pain and sorrow etched into their belief system that it can cause emotional or physical manifestation.  It takes great strength of character and courage to release this negativity. Learn how to forgive yourself or an issue, enabling you to move forward and make a quantum leap in your life and fully engage in the miraculous journey of the human soul with faith, trust and belief in yourself.  You will be facilitated and empowered during your journey along the spiritual path to discover your life purpose.  The realization that all you have to do is to commit to yourself is a simple act of awareness and love. Please visit the Healing People page for more information.

Animal Communication
To be able to communicate with animals of all shapes and sizes and raise the understanding and awareness of people to truly realize that animals, like us, have distinct personalities, thoughts, feelings and souls. All we have to do is to open our hearts to them and listen. Please visit the Healing Pets page for more information.

Pet Behavior & Pet Grief Counseling
When it is time for us to let go of our companion animal, the pain that it unleashes is immense. I will help you feel safe in the knowledge that it’s acceptable to grieve over the loss, or imminent loss and to understand the physical and spiritual journey that you and your pet have been through, and the lessons learned.

If your pet has behavior problems or health issues. I can help you and your companion pet with VortexHealing® and Animal Communication so that your pet knows at a deep cellular level that it is safe and loved. Please visit the Healing Pets page for more information.

Spiritual Medium & Psychic
You may decide that to help you find closure and start the healing process, you feel the need to connect to the beloved person or pet in your life who has transitioned from their physical body. 

As a spiritual medium, she blends and becomes a voice for the Spirit world, telling the story of a life once lived and giving messages of love to dry your tears of sadness and let hope unfold again in your heart.

Love never changes, only the physical body falls away.
Love is eternal.

Readings can be in person or Zoom or Skype appointment, by request.     

How I Heal
VortexHealing®, transforms consciousness at a deep level with the healing of issues originating from the mental, physical, emotional, spiritual and karmic levels. It is the transference of powerful divine healing energy which works with divine light and consciousness. It derives its name from a particular energy vortex that is the interface between our physical world and a special divine healing realm that is accessed in this art. Learn more here.

Click here to learn about and purchase Philippa's fantastic new meditation audio, available as MP3 download or as a CD.




Click here to listen or download

In Tune to Nature. WRFG Radio Station, Atlanta

My Radio Interview on Fearless Fabulous You

“How to Talk to Animals”
with Val Heart and Philippa Kingsley


Radio Interview

Video clip of Book Signing, October 2012



Find out more about Philippa's
new book

$8.99 plus shipping to purchase directly, or it can be purchased at balboapress.com or amazon.com or
barnesandnoble.com and in UK can
be purchased at amazon.co.uk Also available in electronic format.

Philippa's Talk at Through the Veil
Essence of Spirituality for
people and pets

Click here to Watch

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